Category "Event"

Hacking for humanity: Wildfire alerts, tackling domestic violence, reducing educational inequality and more at CERN’s global Webfest

Event, Hackathon

Once again, gluoNNet supported its collaborator CERN openlab in the facilitation of the CERN Webfest hackathon. This article about this year’s CERN Webfest was written by Andrew Purcell, Communications Officer at CERN openlab. The original publication can be found on openlab.cern

The 2021 CERN Webfest took place on the weekend of 21-22 August. The Webfest is CERN’s annual hackathon based on open web technologies. 300 people signed up for this year’s event, which was held online for only the second time. The participants — from 63 countries spread across the globe — formed into small teams and used their combined skills and knowledge to develop innovative prototype apps, hardware, and other tools.

The theme for this year’s Webfest was “science, society, sustainability”, with participants encouraged to work on projects that address certain UN Sustainable Development Goals. In line with these, teams at the Webfest created an application to warn of wildfiresa concealed alarm system for victims of domestic violencea directory for online learning materialsa website providing clear and accurate information about nuclear energya health app that identifies nutrient deficienciesan AI system to aid with studying, and much more. Information on all 22 innovative projects can be found on the Webfest website.

“Focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals, the participants in this year’s CERN Webfest showed a great commitment to using their skills to improve our world,” says Charlotte Warakaulle, Director for International Relations at CERN. “Their creativity and innovation has not only generated new practical solutions to societal challenges, but has also inspired new ways of working together.” Warakaulle, who was one of the judges at this year’s event, continues: “The wealth of ideas presented has great potential to make a real difference in peoples’ lives. Congratulations to all of the participants for this achievement!”

Each year, one project is selected as the overall Webfest winner. The eight judges at this year’s event selected a project that uses crowdsourced designs and 3D printing to create tools for disabled people. In particular, these tools are aimed at helping people with conditions like ectrodactyly and syndactyly (malformations of the hand) to use everyday objects. During the Webfest, the team was able to create a prototype attachment that helps those with these conditions to pick up drinking bottles. Find out more about the winning project here.

“For me, the Webfest was more than a hackathon; it was a portal for meeting new people from various backgrounds and learning about their journeys,” says Komal Kedarnath, a mechanical engineering student from India and a member of the winning team. “This kind of collaboration naturally fosters innovation and elicits creativity. I had the best time during the networking sessions, where I talked to people from 10 different time zones about how they got here. It was amazing!”

In addition to these networking sessions, the Webfest offered a fun CERN-themed quiz, an online exercise session, and several how-to workshops focused on practical skills, such as how to give good presentations and how to create short videos. This diverse programme was made possible thanks to the Webfest’s supporters: CERN openlab, gluoNNet, RemotelyGreen, Veertly, Citizen Cyberlab, Crowd4SDG, THE Port, CERN Alumni, Quantum FutureX, AI Crowd and CERN Fitness Club.

“Sharing ideas with other participants during the Webfest really helped us to improve the way we approach our project,” says Diego Lopez Yse a data science student in Argentina. “Through exchanging views and experiences, we were able to come up with new ways to solve our challenge, while also helping others with their projects.” He continues: “I highly recommend participating in the Webfest: you meet incredibly talented people who can help you grow and expand your vision.”

Given the global interest once again shown, the orgasnisers plan to run the hackathon online again next year.

“We’ve come a long way since 2012 when Francois Grey and I founded the Webfest as CERN’s very first hackathon,” says Ben Segal, CERN honorary staff member and member of the Internet Hall of Fame. “Taking the Webfest online has added a lot, bringing us closer to massive amounts of talent spread all over the Internet.”

Watch the Webfest’s closing ceremony on YouTube to find out more about the event.

Date: Sep 7, 2021
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle

gluoNNet, Veertly, and RemotelyGreen launch series of open discussions and networking sessions about virtual events

Event, Visual Analytics, Visualisation

Join the next session of our Open Discussion & Networking series on Friday, 9 July at 4 pm CEST! Register here.

On 4 June, gluoNNet, Veertly, and RemotelyGreen held an open discussion and networking session on the future of online events together. The idea was to exchange experiences and ideas regarding the fast-evolving online events sector among the virtual events community. The event produced lively discussions and connected people from different domains. It was well received by its participants, giving them new ideas, insights, and contacts. The attendees talked about a wide variety of topics, such as the consolidation of virtual and on-site events, the vast potential of online hackathons as a political instrument, or the public image of online events.


RemotelyGreen is now working with Veertly to improve the integration of the two platforms and give smooth access for participants.


Given the event was a success, the collaboration of gluoNNet, Veertly, and RemotelyGreen decided to hold more such events in the future and created the series “Open Discussions & Networking”. The event series will focus on topics related to the virtual events landscape. Everyone is invited to join these informal get-togethers to meet experts and other curious minds, discussing and learning more about these topics. The sessions are free of charge and take place every first Friday of the month at 4 pm CE(S)T on Veertly. The next session of our Open Discussion & Networking series about the topic of virtual networking will (exceptionally) take place on Friday, 9 July at 4 pm CEST.

“The event went well, and we had a lot of fun discussing virtual events. We aim to establish an interesting series of events for the virtual events community. We welcome everyone to join our discussions and networking sessions. The more, the merrier,” says Karolos Potamianos, co-founder of gluoNNet.


Visualisation of a RemotelyGreen networking event. Red dots are encounters, yellow dots are participants. For data protection, dot labels had to be removed.


Additionally, for the event on 4 June, gluoNNet and RemotelyGreen tested a new way of data visualisation in relation to online events. This type of animated interactive 3D visualisation allows event organisers to track each encounter in the virtual meeting place, giving them insights into the dynamics of the event. The networking session resulted in 54 new connections among 17 participants. The networking sessions had a rating of 4.65/5 on average. Amongst the most popular topics discussed were: hybrid events, virtual vs on-site, co-existence of virtual and on-site events, acceptance of virtual events, virtual event innovations.


Join the next session of our Open Discussion & Networking series!

Topic: Virtual Networking

Date: Friday, 9 July 2021

Time: 4 pm CEST

Cost: free

Venue: online on Veertly and RemotelyGreen

You can register for the event following this link.

For more information about the event, check our info slide deck.

Date: Jul 1, 2021
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle

The Future of Virtual Events – Join the discussion and networking session

Conference, Event, Hackathon

As the Covid-19 pandemic seemingly tapers off, normality returns to our lives. That is also true for the events sector. In countries like Israel or New Zealand, weddings, concerts, church services, school classes, business meetings, etc., are taking place on-site again. Gradually, more countries will likely follow.

However, for the past couple of months, many of us were getting together in virtual spaces. Home office and remote classrooms became the default for millions of people since videoconferencing platforms were the only means of meeting safely. This circumstance did not only change our perspective on remote work and remote collaboration, but it also gave rise to numerous innovations in the events sector such as the online hackathon, virtual event platforms, or live-directed webcasts.

So how will the virtual events sector develop in a post-pandemic world? Are people now used to or fed up with virtual events? Will they establish themselves as an alternative to on-site events? Or will they fall back into a marginal existence? Are there event types more suitable to be carried out online? Everyone is invited to join our virtual discussion and networking session “The Future of Virtual Events” on Friday, 4 June 2021 at 4 pm CEST to discuss these and many more questions with experts in the field.

After a brief welcome session with the whole audience, experts and participants will be able to discuss the questions and get to know each other in small groups of 4. After a couple of minutes, the groups will be re-shuffled to allow experts and participants to meet and discuss with many other fellow attendees.

To join the free event, follow this link: https://app.eu.veertly.com/v/future-virtual-events

Please check out our info slide deck for the agenda, the protocol of the discussion and networking, the expert list, and further information.

Please note: for both platforms, Veertly and RemotelyGreen, participants will have to register (free) in order to take part.  This can be done with  few clicks following these links:

  1. https://app.veertly.com/login/register
  2. https://app.remotely.green/login

Date: May 27, 2021
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle
Comments: 1

Online hackathons – the pandemic’s promising perk

Event, Hackathon

The year 2020 was certainly not the best in recent history. The coronavirus outbreak has illustrated how quickly our modern civilisation, which had seemed almost imperturbable, can be derailed. Now, the rampant virus keeps our planet in check. The resulting medical, social, and economical crises will take us years to mitigate. Arguably, the Covid-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge to humanity since World War II. Yet despite all the hardship entailed, the pandemic yields valuable lessons and opportunities, providing fertile ground for science, innovation, and collaboration. For instance, in record-breaking time, multiple teams of international scientists developed functioning vaccines against the Covid-19 pathogen.

Furthermore, despite lockdowns and social distancing, our digital technologies enable us to continue working, teaching, and studying. It can be assumed, that this forced revolution of remote collaboration will sustain to certain degrees even after the pandemic has ended. The benefits range from increased individual flexibility to betterments regarding climate change. Another positive development induced by the pandemic is the plethora of ingenious and creative solutions people devised in order to bring normality back into our lives. For example, they have created apps, gadgets, and concepts to make public transport safer, to provide artists with a (virtual) platform for their art, or to ensure quarantined individuals get their groceries delivered.

It is remarkable that rather than from big companies and organisations, a considerable amount of these innovations came from individuals and small groups, many of them starting their projects at virtual hackathons, so-called ‘online hackathons’. Within the last couple of months, these virtual events have gained extraordinary momentum. At the beginning of the pandemic, across several countries and under the patronage of the respective governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) organised nationwide hackathons as a reaction to the Covid-19 outbreak, facilitating successful events and marking the start of the hackathon’s transformation to the virtual realm. Being a concrete exemplification of one of the pandemic’s perks, this growing event type with its vast potential will be further outlined in the following pages.

What the hack? – a brief summary of the hackathon phenomenon

Hackathons are a relatively young phenomenon in the event landscape. While gatherings of programmers and tech-enthusiasts back in the 70s are seen as the precursor of the hackathon, the word ‘hackathon’, and the event type that embodies the characteristics of the hackathon, appeared for the first time at the turn of the millennium. During such events, traditionally multiple teams of programmers and computer scientists come together to ‘hack’ – that is, to tackle – a specific challenge, creating functioning prototypical software or hardware solutions. The challenges can either be presented by the organisation hosting the hackathon or participants can work on ideas of their own. For example, this may be an API (application programming interface) for a particular software implementation or a solution to optimise computer vision in automated drones. Hackathons usually have a multi-day, ongoing setup (mostly 48 hours) which gives a hint of the portmanteau’s latter element, the marathon. Usually, at the end of the hackathon, the projects are submitted to a jury which deliberates on them, awarding the best projects with prizes. Next to materialistic prizes awarded to the best hackers, a hackathon rewards all its participants with great learning experiences, networking opportunities, and – as trivial as it sounds – a lot of fun.

In the last couple of years, hackathons became more interdisciplinary and cross-functional, slowly diminishing their image of events meant for computer geeks and nerds (even though this stigma still persists to some extent). Many organisations, from all kinds of domains (public authorities, enterprises, research institutions, and universities), have adopted the hackathon as an instrument, hosting such events in order to address various self-referred challenges or general ones that affect society as a whole. For example, companies host internal hackathons (for employees only) to further develop their products. Events such as these are how Facebook’s Like button or the dating app Tinder came into being. On the other hand, NGOs facilitate external hackathons (open for everyone), addressing challenges related to climate change. Inversely, there are companies conducting external hackathons for the common good while an NGO might need to improve internal workflows, hosting a hackathon to serve its own interests.

In modern hackathons, programmers, designers, scientists, communicators, prototypers, marketing specialists, etc., work side by side on a project, aggregating wide and eclectic input from different perspectives into a product or concept. In many cases, this leads to thought-out, sustainable, and creative innovations. Here lies the big potential of hackathons; they resemble melting pots of creative minds capable of producing novel, out-of-the-box solutions – a detonator of ideas. Unsurprisingly, hackathons usually support a free choice of approach in finding these solutions much similar to a skunkworks project.

Cataclysm populates cyberspace – the origin of the online hackathon

As hinted at in the beginning of this essay, the most recent break in the hackathon’s evolution was its digitalisation triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic and the resulting proliferation of virtual collaboration, the default duration which is common for a physical hackathon (about 48 hours, mostly a weekend) was not seen fit to be transferred to an online environment. Too complex and too inefficient had been the prevalent argument within the hackathon community. Then, in early spring 2020, shocked by the relatively sudden outbreak of the pandemic, governments, NGOs, companies, and academic institutions worldwide were frantically looking for countermeasures to mitigate the first wave’s impact. One of the said measures was the organisation of virtual hackathons. The idea, first realised in Estonia by local hackathon organisers, was to harvest a population’s collective intelligence in tackling challenges entailed by the crisis such as the protection of risk groups or the mitigation of health risks in public transport. It turned out to be a brilliant idea; the crisis-related online hackathons lead to unprecedented occurrences regarding public engagement. More than 28 000 people with all kinds of backgrounds and from various parts of the German population participated in the #WirVsVirus hackathon. This virtual hackathon took place on a weekend at the end of March 2020 during the first lockdown. At the time, it was the world’s biggest hackathon as well as one of the biggest online events in history. Similar events took place in other countries such as Poland (HackYeah) and Switzerland (#VersusVirus, with gluoNNet as a co-organiser), also recording overwhelming participant numbers. Despite initial technical difficulties regarding the tech infrastructure, all of these hackathons were a success, yielding a great number of projects. This was proof of the feasibility of online hackathons.

Admittedly, many of these projects stalled due to lack of quality, guidance, and/or the lack of time of the participants to pursue them any further after the lockdown had been lifted. However, a fair share of them was taken further and even accelerated; start-ups were founded with their projects still very much alive and kicking. One example being Pandemia Parliament, an online tool that aims to enable virtual balloting for parliaments, emerged from the Swiss #VersusVirus hackathon. At the moment, the young start-up is running an unofficial trail on a municipal level. Another one, called Veertly, which happens to be gluoNNets partner by now, has its origin in the German #WirVsVirus hackathon and created an online event platform that offers a vast repertoire of functions, simulating an event venue with virtual stages, break-out rooms, and other possibilities to meet up online. These are just two examples of many successful projects born in the state-subsidised online hackathons of spring 2020.

As of spring 2021, virtually all hackathon events are being facilitated online, as the virus is still among us. Since one year, dozens of online hackathons are being carried out monthly by all sorts of organisations. On-site hackathons will surely have a comeback once the world sails calmer waters. Nevertheless, thanks to their success, it seems evident that online hackathons, initially rejected in pre-pandemic times, have established their firm place in the hackathon landscape.

Hackathon 2.0 – more than just a virtual adaptation

Even though the core of the general hackathon concept remains the same, the event’s digitalisation entails ramifications not only on its characteristics and facilitation but also brings benefits and drawbacks of its own. A fully technology-dependent online hackathon, where people meet and collaborate remotely, is subject to different dynamics and peculiarities than an on-site event. Although the benefits of the general hackathon concept (innovation, learning, and networking,) persist in an online environment, their emphases change – some for the better, some for the worse. The online hackathon’s low-threshold accessibility in respect of location, time investment, and technology as well as its scalability and relatively low costs for participants and organisers alike, make it a powerful instrument to drive innovation and participation. On the other hand, being an entirely virtual affair, the online hackathon cannot offer the same learning and social experience as the physical encounter happening at an on-site hackathon. Also, collaborating on a project solely online is obviously more complicated than at an on-site gathering, especially, when it comes to prototyping. Better solutions in terms of remote collaboration, in general, need to be found. However, in the wake of the pandemic, this problem is already being tackled by numerous entities such as big companies like Zoom or Microsoft, but also small players like the abovementioned start-ups.

Leaving its shortcomings aside, the online hackathon’s benefits render it an intriguing tool for various applications in various domains. As the hackathons organised in response to the Covid-19 outbreak have shown, such events can host vast numbers of participants, operate nationwide or even globally, and can be organised in a relatively short amount of time. Additionally, these events yielded great outcomes that society can benefit from during the pandemic and even thereafter. Many of the start-ups and projects that were found during these hackathons do not only address issues related to Covid-19, but they also focus on things like remote collaboration and medical applications, creating general additional value. Therefore, online hackathons can be used as an effective countermeasure in times of crises but also to stimulate innovation like ‘classical’ on-site hackathons. The sheer number of participants an online hackathon can host potentially lead, by laws of statistics, to a fair number of promising innovations. Furthermore, the online hackathon allows the democratisation of the innovation process, may they be linked to a crisis or not, enabling large numbers of citizens from all parts of society to jointly work on solutions. From a socio-political point of view, this aspect bears a lot of potential in terms of integration, participation, and empowerment. The online hackathon phenomenon is a good example that, so far, the internet’s civic potential is greater than its current use.

Next to the public sector, other domains like industry, academia, and the humanitarian sector can profit from hosting online hackathons. On a global scale, creative minds can be invited to contribute to various causes. For example, in the shape of an online hackathon, hackers could explore the possible applications of a company’s latest software product, take part in a research institution’s citizen-science project, or support an NGO’s effort in improving welfare in third world countries. With its promising potential in driving innovation, bringing people together, as well as allowing for participation, all facilitated economically and ecologically, the online hackathon is a phenomenon worth being better understood. Consequently, for research fields like science communication, sociology, and political science, the online hackathon should pose an interesting object of research.

The evolutionary pressure exercised by the coronavirus has changed our behaviour. As a consequence, it also creates lasting effects on our culture and institutions, one of them being the event landscape. Our digital technologies allow us to stay connected and to continue collaboration in safe ways, mitigating the impact of the pandemic. Moreover, using these technologies in new, unprecedented ways opens many doors, the rooms beyond remain to be explored. The online hackathon is one of these rooms, a by-product resulting from the ongoing pandemic. One can assume that physical and virtual hackathons will coexist after the pandemic has ended. Both of them hold respective benefits and drawbacks which lead to different areas of application. Hosting a hackathon online or on-site will be dependent on the pursued goal, purpose, and requirements of its organisers. With the online hackathon, we have stumbled across a powerful instrument and applying as well as investigating it further seems promising and sensible.


This essay is a summary of some chapters of the author’s bachelor’s thesis ‘The Online Hackathon: Typology of a Hackathon Format and its Potential Application in Citizen Science’. The full thesis can be found here.

Date: Apr 29, 2021
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle

“Collaboration is key” – great organisational interplay ensures successful facilitation of the Davos Digital Forum 2021 Health Edition

Conference, Event

During his talk at this year’s Davos Digital Forum Health Edition, Dr. Andrea Michael Meyer, Country Lead of Sanofi Switzerland, concisely highlighted one of the most important aspects in the field of medicine: “Collaboration is key.” And as the Davos Digital Forum (DDF), Veertly, and gluoNNet have proven, when it comes to online events, this applies as well. The three organisations joined forces in order to facilitate the Davos Digital Forum’s Health Edition online on 28 January. The DDF team around Dr. Petra Arends-Paltzer and Marcin Zielinski had created once more a versatile programme of keynotes and workshops presented by top-notch speakers, giving insights into the digitalisation of medicine and health care with its cutting-edge technologies as well as its chances and challenges. The talks addressed a wide range of topics, such as digital therapeutics, data ethics, artificial intelligence, med-tech start-ups, and much more. While CureVac CEO Dr. Ingmar Hoerr talked about his company’s pioneer work in Covid-19 vaccination research, Dr. Sara Saeed Khurram gave an inspiring personal account of her work as an entrepreneur in women’s-healthcare applications in Pakistan. After the talks, the presenters answered questions from the audience.

Veertly and gluoNNet were responsible for the event’s technical facilitation. Veertly provided the participants with their virtual event platform, enabling easy access to both live-streams and lively discussions in the platform’s chat rooms. As for DDF’s previous event in September, gluoNNet prepared and directed the live-streams, delivering the audience a slick, TV-grade experience. Up to 200 people were following the two live-streams at the same time. “G’day from Melbourne”, “Good morning from Sao Paolo, Brazil”, “Hello from Frankfurt/ Germany” – people working in digital health connected from all over the globe to see the talks and exchange ideas.


The screenshot shows a gluoNNet-directed workshop on the Veertly event platform – Davos Digital Forum 2021 Health Edition


Given the event’s success, the three organisations are looking into further possibilities to cooperate. “The DDF Health Edition has shown that the interplay between DDF, Veertly, and gluoNNet works fantastically and bears a lot of potential,” says Daniel Dobos, CEO of gluoNNet. “The resonance from the audience was very positive. We already have some ideas regarding future projects and are excited about further collaborations with Veertly and the Davos Digital Forum.”

To re-watch the talks of this year’s Davos Digital Forum Health Edition, check the following link.

Date: Feb 19, 2021
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle

gluoNNet facilitates online webcast for Davos Digital Forum 2020

Conference, Event

On 24 September, the Davos Digital Forum 2020 (DDF) took place online. For the third time, over 30 international experts gave during their workshops insights into the newest developments in digitalisation in fields like smart cities, e-governance, cyber security, (tele) communication, online applications, and more. On top of that, the event included five high-calibre keynotes; among others from André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding Ltd. and Martin Steiger, founder of Steiger Legal.

Usually, the event is held at the Davos Congress centre in Davos, Switzerland. Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the hosts decided to hold the DDF’s third edition fully online, counting over 1000 registrations. The experts gave their talks in moderated Cisco Webex video-conferencing events. There, the audience was able to follow the talks and ask questions to the speaker afterward. Additionally, the Webex events were streamed live to Youtube in three parallel streams, each facilitated by gluoNNet. One of the three streams was also broadcast to the DDF Twitter account. Next to setting them up, gluoNNet also conducted the direction of the three streams, giving them a TV-programme-like appearance. “gluoNNet accepted our high demands as a challenge, they are reliable and flexible and came up with innovative solutions.”, says Petra Arends-Paltzer, host and founder of the Davos Digital Forum, “we have greatly appreciated working with gluoNNet, their performance is outstanding and we are already looking forward to further joint projects.” 


You can find the recordings of the three DDF20 streams here:

Davos Digital Forum 2020 – Stream 1: Smart Village (German)

Davos Digital Forum 2020 – Stream 2: Partizipation & Kommunikation (German)

Davos Digital Forum 2020 – Stream 3: Cities of the Future (English)

Date: Oct 30, 2020
AUTHOR: Hans Baechle